My activity starting from May 10 – May 17

Dear deary, everyday I should make a journal and report. I’m so tired, but whatever about that because I’m a student university and must get title S,Si and the speisal hpoe is knowledge....

On May 10, I’m practical work and make a journal and report, after that I’m going to IAIN to following competition of volley. Because my course is pure Chemistry I cannot lost from report, journal and practical work. On May 11, I went to my friend homes until evening, I can’t go back home because rainfall . After that, I went to IAIN to watch my friend following competition of volleyball. But when I came to IAIN, my friend already and he said “ you came to be late”. So I said back “ yaaahhh, sorry. I’m late because is rain and we have conflick about something”  
On May 12, I went to campus to acc my duty and after that we just meeting for our big of agenda. On May 13 I should practical work again, yaahhhh organic chemistry practical work. So we have two practical on weeklong. Don’t care about weekend, because practical work should done of quickly before Ramadhan. But, everything not same with ekspektation because on May 21 we can celebrate 14 th HIMKI anniversary. So, we shoul practical work until Ramadhan. FIGHTING....
On May 14, I’m follow some activity is OT (Organization Training), OT is one of PROGJA from HIMKI and if we want join with HIMKI we just following OT. On May 16, SBMPTN test and we have good idea for get donation for our agenda. We just sell cake, map and open the stand for selling. On 17 May, I’m practical work again huhuhu. The last practical work my team always enthusiasme for the last practical work. Now, in my life is everyday about journal and report nothing else. Alhamdulillah, with journal and report I can manage my time. 

sasa widianti......


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